Tidus - Age

main character. He's 17
years old. He's said to
be a little like
Zidane(FF9) in that he's
cheerful. He uses a sword
and a star player at
Blitzball(a underwater
fighting ball game). He's
blond and wears short
overalls and a yellow
shirt. His homeland was
destroyed(with him the
only survivor), so he's
become Yuna's protector
in her journey. He can
use time-space magic as
well as a technique that
can raise physical stats.
His Overdrive move is a
technique very similar to
Squall's(FF8) gunblade
- Age

Tidus's love
interest. She's also 17
and uses a staff. She's
the daughter of a master
summoner and is unhappy
living in the shadow of
her famous summoner
father. She also can
summon. She has been
having strange dreams as
of late, so beliving Sin
to be the cause(and
hopefully get out of the
shadow of her late
father), she's journeying
around to all of the Ebon
temples, gaining the
summon of each temple's
resident Aeon as she goes
so she can defeat Sin,
for she can't without
collecting them all. She
also uses white magic. |
- Age

A two-handed
sword-welding character.
He is another of Yuna's
protectors. His OverDrive
move is called
"Secret" and is
similar to Sabin's(FF6)
Blitz move: you have to
input the correct series
of button commands during
a certain time frame to
boost his attack. One of
his unique ablities is
the "Cover"
skill. He will be one of
your allies. He was also
the bodyguard of Yuna's
late father. He doesn't
talk much, and he is very
calm and strict. He's 35. |
- Age

A animated
Moogle-doll welding black
mage. Her Overdrive move
is Temptation(you have to
rotate the analog stick
quickly to make her cast
several spells in
succession). Her unique
move is a technique that
boosts the party's magic
strength and defense, as
well as black magic.
She's one of Yuna's
bodyguards. She's 22. |
- Age

scantily-clad FEMALE
thief who will join you
in the middle of the
game. She's a member of
the technogically
advanced Al Bhed
tribe(which does not
follow the Ebon religion,
which teaches people to
avoid technology). She
uses a steal move as well
as the Throw
command(instead of the
traditional weapons,
throwing stars, and
boomerangs, she throws
bombs and grenades tho!).
Her OverDrive move is
Alchemy or the Mix
command(not seen since
FF5). She uses daggers
and knives as weapons. |
- Age

A 28
year old half-human, half
"aian" that is
destined to be the leader
of his race. |
- Age

Yuna's beastman
guardian. He will be one
of your allies after you
beat him in a fight.He
uses blue magic(as a
OverDrive move) and a
Jump attack. One of his
unique skills is the
classic Dragon Sword
techique(which also
teaches him his Blue
Magic spells, besides
draining HP and MP to
him). He's been guarding
and caring for Yuna for
10 years, since Yuna's
father died. He is the
youngest member of his
family(but since he
resembles Red XIII(FF7)
somewhat, that may not
mean much) |
- Age

A red-head who uses a
Blitzball as a weapon.
Not much is known about
him, except that he will
be one of your allies and
that he specializes in
inflicting status
ailments. |