Nasferatu's Final Fantasy Domain
Final Fantasy VI TPW


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Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy IV (FF II U.S.)
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI (FF III U.S.)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XI: Online Another World
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (MOVIE)
Final Fantasy VI TPW


Yes, thats right. A software team named 'Dream Horizon Software' (DHS) is making a sequal to the ever so popular "Final Fantasy VI" called
"Final Fantasy VI The Power Within" (TPW). Just click on their logo/link (above) to look whats to come and how much they have progressed.

BELOW is DHS' homepage, so you can take a look at what other projects their team is up to, or you can just take a look around.

DHS Logo